The Top 6 Financial Challenges Small Business Owners Face

Whatever solution they seek, companies generally take into account the costs and benefits each of these financial management resources offers before deciding which instruments to invest. 8% of small businesses said their biggest financial challenge in 2020 was a lack of financial capital. Some small businesses received federal financial support last year, but large companies had easier access to the funds. Don’t assume that if your products and services are excellent, people will find out. Two percent of all homeowners reported higher nominal sales in the past three months, up 1 point since December.

Resilience, a positive sense of the future and happiness as entrepreneurs show that small businesses are ready to take on today’s challenges for a stronger future. Despite the pandemic, most small business owners are mainly interested in expanding their business to 51%. Thirty percent focus on retaining their current operations, while 10% want to open a new location.

However, sufficient capital is one of the biggest challenges small businesses face. And while some companies are lucky enough to have angel investors willing to fund their business, most entrepreneurs start their business with credit cards or bank loans. 58% reported capital expenditures in the past six months, up 1 point since December.

The number of people entering small businesses due to dissatisfaction with US companies (17%) has increased by 11% this year, potentially demonstrating the struggles employees face in business decisions during the pandemic, including layoffs. The third most common reason people started their own small business was the desire to pursue their passion, at 16%. Seven percent of the small businesses surveyed temporarily switched their business models to new practices, such as remote personnel, sidewalk pick-up, delivery or other social distance practices. When asked whether they had made innovative or disruptive changes to their company through the COVID pandemic, 41% replied yes.

The net percentage of homeowners expecting higher actual sales volumes decreased by 6 points to a negative net 3 percent. The net percentage of homeowners reporting an inventory change increased by 2 points to a net 9 percent. Not seasonally adjusted, 18 percent reported increases in inventories, while 15 percent reported reductions.

While most larger companies have enough cash flow to keep track of payroll and keep the lights on, small businesses are often in a less stable situation. If a large customer does not make online billing software payment, your small business may not be able to cover their accounts. There are many stories about small business owners who give up their own wages to pay their employees and sellers.

Low-income postal codes still have the fewest bank branches and the largest number of AFS providers, averaged among income groups. According to 2018 SBCS data, only 64 percent and 65 percent of Spanish and black real estate applicants, respectively, were approved for some funding, compared to 80 percent and 76 percent among Asian and white real estate companies, respectively . Second, a relatively large proportion of minority companies face potentially unmet financial needs, as black, Asian and Spanish-owned companies are less likely than to report white-owned companies that they have sufficient levels of funding.

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