nursing school help websites

The recession of 2008 caused a lot of people to rethink nursing school help websites their professional path. And with the aging population of the Baby Boomer generation, a lot of people started to think seriously about getting degrees in the healthcare profession. At the top of the list of healthcare professions, most people were interested in pursuing was a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.

Nursing is an honorable and great profession. But getting through Nursing School is no easy task. But once you are done, the job is probably the most rewarding experience you will ever have in your lifetime. Saving lives and helping others in their most vulnerable time attract many people to become Nurses. Some would say “A Life Calling”.

This website will be designed to help guide you through to obstacle course called Nursing School. Not all Nursing schools are the same, but I believe they all operate on the same premise: To make sure they release, into society, the best and brightest students.

We will help you survive your Quarterly Medical Dosage Calculation Test all the way through Pharmacology and Health Assessment classes. Show you how to prepare for the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) that every Nursing student must pass before they can become licensed in their state.

Thousands of Nurses graduate from Nursing School every year, so it must be a task that can be accomplished. It’s going to take some work and effort, but you can do it and do it well.

I graduated from Nursing School with a Bachelor of Science in June 2009. I wish I had someone who would guide me through the tough times and to tell me what things might be coming around the corner. I guess you could say this is my way of giving back. I want to help anyone who wants to become a Nurse. I studied and passed the NCLEX on the first try and now I’m a Registered Nurse (RN) at Mayo Hospital.

I didn’t come from a background of highly educated people. I was the first in my family to get my Bachelors degree. So I tell you this just to say, it can be done. With a little hard work and perseverance, you can get a rewarding career in Nursing and have the security of a career, not just a job, well into your retirement years. Nursing seems to be recession proof. There will always be a need to care for others. People will always be sick and populations will always age.

I hope to provide you with a path to finding a successful career by helping you to finish Nursing School and join me and the other wonderful Nurses in our profession. I’m not knocking doctors, but I would say most patients see their nurse 95% of the time during their stay at a hospital. So Nurses have a profound effect on the lives of the people under their care. Enjoy the experience that will be Nursing School, for it will teach you how to save lives one day.

Surprisingly, though Nursing is considered one of the more reliable fields to enter into in Today’s working world, and although Nursing in general tends to be fairly lucrative profession for both men and women, there almost always seems to be a nursing shortage somewhere in America as well as on other continents.

This shortage of professional-grade nurses – both practical LPN nurses and registered RN nurses – may be due to the intensity of study required, the hours of hospital floor duty that must accompany a degree in Nursing, as well as the overall rigorous demands of the nursing profession. After all, nurses not only assist doctors on hospital floors and in surgical procedures but must be schooled in medicines, disease symptoms, Triage procedures, first aid, anatomy and physiology, as well as psychology and even some counseling procedures. Nurses, in the end, make the hospitals and emergency rooms function, and a good nurse is like the oil that keeps the wheel turning smoothly without squeaking.

It’s no surprise then that new nursing programs pop-up at various times on college campuses across the land. With the demand for nurses always steady and sometimes even desperate, colleges and universities see fit to create programs that tap into this vast need and network of young students who are entering into this technical, medical and care-giving profession. However, just as in any other course of study, potential nursing students need to make sure they are getting a first-rate education at a college or university that truly understands the art and science of nursing and can pass that knowledge on to their students.

A few items for consideration for nurses-to-be as they begin to search for new nursing programs for today’s modern nurses are listed below.

  • Accreditation. Perhaps the most important initial consideration when choosing a nursing school or nursing program is the accreditation of the school/program. Every college or university’s website should feature information on the accreditation of that school, and if you are not able to find it online then one must wonder what that school is trying to hide from potential students. Each state should have accredited the particular school where the program is located, and such organizations as the American Association of Colleges of Nursing and the National League for Nursing should also have accredited the particular programs of nursing being taught. Don’t waste your time or money on schools without proper accreditation, as hospitals and even most doctors will not accept your credentials and employ you without the proper licensure, etc.
  • Reputation. With today’s access to the Internet, it’s easier than ever before to do some homework and find out what other nurses or former students of a university or college have to say about the nursing program there. Research before you enroll!
  • Courses of study. Any nursing school worth its weight in gauze and syringes will offer a complete, fully-formed curriculum of nursing education in required classes as well as specialty areas of study and practice such as communicable diseases, pathology, gerontology, holistic medicine, death and dying, etc. The education a nurse receives must prepare her or him for an incredibly wide array of emergency and non-emergency scenarios and procedures, and a successful nurse will want the most diverse, inclusive training possible for a successful career.

By admin

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