After being placed in a suitable primary container, tests are placed in a larger container, completely sealed with carefully labeled, fraud-resistant tape. Each item is packed separately to prevent cross-contamination, which could otherwise destroy the credibility of the evidence. Tool markings at access points may even require removing an entire door or window instead of trying to remove the mark, which can damage it. Once in the forensic laboratory, all tests are analyzed and interpreted. It should be clear that recreation is not the same as “remembrance”, “recreat” or “criminal profile”.

For example, an investigator should know whether a bullet victim committed suicide or was murdered. By testing the ballistics, determining the angle from which the shot was fired and examining the body, a researcher was able to demonstrate that the person could not have shot himself. They take photos and physical measurements of the scene, identify and collect forensic evidence, and maintain the correct retention chain of that evidence. Crime scene investigators collect evidence such as fingerprints, fingerprints, tire tracks, blood and other body fluids, hair, fibers and fire residues.

The reconstruction process always starts with the victim and questions about what, where, how, when, who and why they are considered evidence are collected and investigated and the people involved are interviewed. The process of making the sequence of events before, during and after a crime is known as the reconstruction of the crime scene. It is perhaps one of the aspects of forensic science that fascinates the public the most and occurs in most police dramas. Reconstruction requires not only a scientific approach, but also logic, experience and an open mind on the part of the research team, which must be willing to put aside any hypothesis that does not match the real evidence presented to them.

The crime scene investigation team may include crime scene photographers and evidence collection personnel specializing in the collection of specific evidence, such as latent fingerprints, DNA, tracking evidence, etc. Some forensic instruments are particularly important in the reconstruction of the crime scene. Fluorescent light sources will shine when exposed to ultraviolet light. An important example is luminol, a chemical that reacts with hemoglobin, the red pigment in the blood. Luminol detects blood at a concentration as low as a part in five to ten million or even lower. It is extremely valuable to reveal blood that the perpetrator believes he or she has cleaned, such as blood stains in a car used to remove the victim’s body.

This may require the collection of information from witnesses or individuals of interest. Based on this information, the crime scene team will develop a strategy for collecting evidence, taking into account weather conditions, time of day and other factors. Additional forensic resources may also be requested to deal with special situations. Blood stain patterns at crime scene, crime scene and other death scenes are perhaps the most revealing tests available.

To obtain an explicit knowledge of the series of events surrounding the commission of a crime using deductive and inductive reasoning, physical evidence, scientific methods and their interrelationships. Despite Hollywood’s performance, crime scene investigation is a difficult and slow job. A researcher should not immediately come to a conclusion about what happened based on limited information, but should generate different crime theories, while retaining the theories that are not eliminated by the incoming information on the ground. Reasonable conclusions about what happened come from the appearance of the scene and the information from the witnesses. These theories will help the researcher document specific conditions and recognize valuable evidence. Crime scene investigators should be able to make an overall assessment of the crime scene when rebuilding a crime scene and obtain an overall picture of the crime scene of the mental composition of the crime.

To be competent as a reconstructionist at the crime scene, one must have the required technical knowledge and a deep understanding of forensic investigation. There are no established educational requirements; however, many crime scene practitioners have a university or graduate degree in forensic science, chemistry, biology, accident reconstruction expert witness service la mesa california physics, engineering or criminal law. In addition, a crime scene reconstructionist must have extensive experience in investigating and analyzing crime scenes and physical evidence. Most crime scene reconstructors have gained experience as a crime scene investigator, murder investigator or legal medical death investigator..

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