Dental Crowns And Bridges

Porcelain attached to a metal container is often used because it is strong and attractive. A dental bridge is made with two or more dental crowns on each side of an opening made by a lost tooth, with a false tooth in the middle. These types of false teeth are called pontics and can be made of multiple materials such as alloys, porcelain, gold, or a combination of them.

After about three weeks, the last crown is cemented in place. If you are missing one or more teeth, your dentist may recommend that you get artificial replacements. There are removable options like dentures that you can remove and clean, but they can slide, slide, or drop, which understandably won’t fly for many people. And that’s why crowns are applied to dental implants and bridges that are more like your real teeth. But between crown implants and bridges, which option is the best option for you? It is important to keep the remaining teeth healthy and strong, because the success of the bridge depends on the solid foundation provided by the surrounding teeth.

While crowns can repair damaged teeth, the only function of a bridge is to replace one or more missing teeth. For a bridge, your dental intestine places lids on hasty teeth or dental implants on the outer edges of your loss area. Spare teeth span the space between the caps where the teeth are missing.

However, when practicing good oral hygiene, crowns and bridges can last a lifetime. Be sure to see your dentist for a regular cleaning, not only to keep your teeth white and bacteria-free, but also to check the health of your crown or bridge. Whether you and your dentist decide on a crown or a bridge for your replacements, we hope your new teeth make you smile.

If you need dental replacement, you can see dental crowns and dental bridges. A dental crown or bridge is the most common alternative to permanent dental Zahnarzt Zürich implants. You may need a dental bridge if you lose one or more teeth in a row, but you have healthy teeth on each side of the missing teeth.

Although similar to a traditional bridge, the pontic on a cantilevered dental bridge is held in place by a crown of a tooth cemented to a single pillar tooth. For a cantilevered bridge you only need a natural tooth in addition to the lost tooth space. When the tooth enamel is weak or damaged, a tooth-shaped lid called a crown can be placed on the existing tooth. A crown protects and restores it to the correct size, shape, and strength, and improves overall appearance. Porcelain is one of the most durable materials used in dental restorations and is tailored to the exact shape and color of the teeth.

Temporary dental crowns are used to ensure that your tooth is protected during this period. Instead of wearing crowns, they remain in the mouth through dental implants. They can last much longer than other types of bridges and offer multiple benefits for oral health. Our dentists cement them into existing teeth or implants, and if replacement is needed, only a dentist can remove them.

The shortage left by missing teeth eventually causes a bad bite, because the remaining teeth rotate or change in empty spaces. The imbalance can also lead to gum disease and temporomandibular joint disease. If you damage one or more of your teeth, you should visit our office immediately to discuss possible solutions.


