Benefits And Risks Of Menopause Hormone Therapy HT, Menopause Relief

There were more deaths from breast cancer, as well as from all causes, after a breast cancer diagnosis in women who took estrogen plus progestin than in women who took placebo. During the 18-year follow-up period, there were more breast cancer deaths in women taking combined hormone therapy and fewer breast cancer deaths in women taking estrogen alone, compared to women taking placebo. The American Cancer Society says that estrogen-only HRT is not associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.

Estrogen hormone therapy alone and combined hormone therapy are the two main types of hormone replacement therapy. If you still have your uterus, your doctor will suggest combination therapy because progesterone reduces your risk of endometrial cancer. Many, though not all, women experience unpleasant symptoms before and after menopause, including hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, and vaginal dryness. These symptoms and physical Hormone Doctor Madison AL changes can be treated in a variety of ways, including lifestyle changes, such as healthier diets and increased exercise, and through hormone replacement therapy. Hodis conducts further studies on why hormones can fight brain fog, inflammation, and other changes that occur along with menopause. His latest research tests a combination of conjugated estrogen and bazedoxifene, which is not a hormone but acts as one in the body.

This risk increased in women who already had relatively low cognitive function at the beginning of treatment. A prospective cohort study of 108,844 postmenopausal American women found a link between hormone therapy and an increased risk of ulcerative colitis. The risk of UC increased with a longer duration of hormonal use and decreased with the time elapsed since continuation.

In fact, the treatment increased women’s risk of having a heart attack in the first year of hormone use. In the HERS follow-up study, participants were monitored for about 3 more years. This study showed no lasting decrease in heart disease caused by estrogen plus progestin.

Systemic MHT is usually prescribed to treat hot flashes and prevent osteoporosis. Systemic MHT with combined estrogen plus progestin or with estrogen can only be administered as oral medications; such as transdermal patches, gels or aerosols; and as implants. Women who took combination hormone therapy or estrogen alone had an increased risk of stroke, blood clots, and heart attack. However, for women in both groups, this risk returned to normal levels after they stopped taking the drug. But it is very important to know that in women who have a uterus, the use of systemic HRT with estrogen alone has been shown to increase the risk of endometrial cancer.

Menopausal hormone therapy can be started in postmenopausal women at risk for fractures or osteoporosis before the age of 60 or within 10 years after menopause. PEPI researchers investigated the effect of estrogen alone and combination therapies on bone mass and important risk factors for heart disease. They generally found positive results, including a reduction in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and an increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol from both types of therapy. These GHI results contrast with observations from the Million Women Study, which also showed an increased risk of breast cancer in women who took estrogen alone or tibolone. However, the risk was increased in those who received combination therapy. Neither the pathway nor the pattern of administration of high blood pressure had any effect on breast cancer risk.

Women who are concerned about changes that occur naturally with the decrease in hormone production during menopause may make changes to their lifestyle and diet to reduce the risk of certain health effects. For example, eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D, or taking supplements that contain these nutrients, can help prevent osteoporosis. FDA-approved drugs such as alendronate (Fosamax®), raloxifene (Evista®), and riedronate (Actonel®) have been shown in randomized trials to prevent bone loss.

In menopausal women, very small doses of estrogen may be given into the vagina as topical therapy to treat dry or thinned vaginal tissue. This type of estrogen comes in the form of vaginal creams, rings and tablets. Although small amounts of hormone can get into the blood, most of it remains in the vaginal tissue. Because so little of the hormone gets into the blood, topical treatment doesn’t help with problems like hot flashes, night sweats, or osteoporosis. In general, topical estrogen is not needed in women taking systemic hormones.

One of the functions of natural estrogen is to promote the normal growth of cells in the breast and uterus. Therefore, it is generally believed that MHT may promote increased tumor growth in women who have already been diagnosed with breast cancer. Research suggests that topical HRT, such as low-dose estrogen vaginal creams, tablets, and rings, do not increase the risk of breast cancer because most hormones remain in vaginal tissue.

Forms of therapy The treatment of menopausal symptoms should be patient-specific. Each woman has a unique medical history, family history, and a set of symptoms for which she seeks relief, so the best medication regimen is tailored to the woman’s risk factors and symptoms. Risk factors that can prevent a woman from being a candidate for HRT include a history of breast, endometrial or ovarian cancer, blood clots or stroke, smoking, and liver disease. During menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels are reduced, leading to the development of severe symptoms (e.g., hot flashes and vaginal dryness) and physical changes (e.g., osteoporosis) in some women. Menopause occurs naturally as part of the aging process, usually over a period of years, but can be artificially induced by hysterectomy and treatment of certain diseases such as cancer. In women who still have a uterus, the use of systemic ET has been shown to increase the risk of endometrial cancer.


